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Ethiopia has been quite a surprise. A visit to the Mursi tribe located deep into southern Ethiopia is a fascinating adventure. The Mercato in Addis Ababa must not be missed - an incredible day out. For a bit of history visit the year old churches in Lalibela - carved out of rock. It is also worth visiting Ethiopia just for its spectacular scenery. We had heard stories about the locals of Ethiopia not being very nice and we'd only been in the country for five minutes and people were already throwing stones at the car.
Our guide Patrick came in useful at the Ethiopian border position not strictly a post because he was able to speak Amharic and communicate with the locals.
Otherwise we would have had a bit of bother. After ten minutes of chat we were on our way. We heard later from Dennis and Aaron that they had to pay a bribe to get through approx. There was no-one who could stamp our passports at this post so Patrick suggested a detour to Omorate where it was likely we could get the immigration stamp. He offered to show us the way along the only road and an hour later However it was lunchtime and we'd have to come back at 1.
These people have got nothing to do but sit around all day - they have all day to have their lunch - agh. Calm down, calm down this is Africa! I think it was a ploy anyway to get us into a hotel to be ripped off by the locals charging us high prices for a bit of fish.