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The Song of Hiawatha is based on the legends and stories of many North American Indian tribes, but especially those of the Ojibway Indians of northern Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.
They were collected by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, the reknowned historian, pioneer explorer, and geologist. He was superintendent of Indian affairs for Michigan from to Jane and her mother are credited with having researched, authenticated, and compiled much of the material Schoolcraft included in his Algic Researches and a revision published in as The Myth of Hiawatha.
It was this latter revision that Longfellow used as the basis for The Song of Hiawatha. Longfellow began Hiawatha on June 25, , he completed it on March 29, , and it was published November 10, As soon as the poem was published its popularity was assured.
However, it also was severely criticized as a plagiary of the Finnish epic poem Kalevala. Longfellow made no secret of the fact that he had used the meter of the Kalevala; but as for the legends, he openly gave credit to Schoolcraft in his notes to the poem. I would add a personal note here. Finally, my mother used to rock me to sleep reading portions of Hiawatha to me, especially:. Should you ask me, whence these stories?