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The world has warmed by 0. This warming was so dangerous that global population only expanded from 1. Dallol, Ethiopia has an average July monthly high of It holds a world record for having days above F from 31 October to 7 April About people live there. See more Marble Bar photos. In Kebili, Tunisia , the average July max is Presumably those old thermometers needed adjustment.
I expect they are probably used to it by now. The coldest ever temperature recorded in Oymyakon was Read more at Dailymail, and Wired. The photo and more glorious ones was by Amos Chapple. Please send in that better photo…. Exploreroz Member Ups and Downs. The short killer summary: The Skeptics Handbook. The most deadly point: The Missing Hot Spot.
You sure of that? I thought the earliest known human settlements were in India and China, and were not more than 10, years old. Though human settlements are apparently recorded from Ethiopia to Morocco circa ,ish plus or minus a lot.
Obviously proving continuous human habitation is a joke, but hey, it was colder for most of the last k anyway. There are a number of links to be found including one or two fascinating links about stone wall circles thought to be ancient cattle yards or similar and now being considered remains of an electricity capture device. We are quite adaptable. In the cases where extreme temperature has, historically, led to great loss of life, it has tended to be the cold that has been the problem: the retreat from Moscow, the Year Without a Summer, Kolyma etc.