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The real Constitution makes a very thin pamphlet, but with all that some folk have discovered in the Constitution in recent decades, maybe it looks to them like a big thick book.
Anyway, the book is cut up in the shape of a cross. Very imaginative, that. The object of these excitements is, of course, the terrible religious right that, some would persuade us, threatens o destroy all that freedom-loving Americans hold dear. In the second, John B. Judis warns that it matters a lot, apparently being the greatest danger since Hitler, maybe even since Joe McCarthy.
Abzug and he cautions us that there is also an ugly face of religion in public life. The last is fair enough; the first two are fair not at all. John B. He made his chief mark with a biography of William F. Buckley, Jr. Actually, The Myth of Separation is scholarship of a high order compared with some of the books Judis might have mentioned to illustrate his point. The point, or so it seems, is that people of the religious right are not so very bright and are therefore the fit objects of the sniggering superiority of their social and political betters.
For Judis, however, sniggering is only permitted between the raising of alarums that these Christian rubes are the latest manifestation of the ever-present fascist threat. Like Professor Higgins in another context, Mr. There was Reinhold Niebuhr, for instance. Stifling the suspicion that Mr. Judis has not really read Moral Man and Immoral Society , which he invokes, and noting that our respect for Niebuhr is second to few, one must point out that he is quite wrong in suggesting that Niebuhr, unlike religious conservatives today, did not make rather direct connections between Christian faith and specific public policies.