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This is in a case in which Kelly Masumba of house number , Dolomite Street in Ganerton, is charged with defilement. The offence is contrary to Section of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia, as read with Act number 15 of and Act number two of Particulars of the offence are that Masumba, on January 27 in Kitwe, had unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl under the age of He pleaded not guilty.
Testifying before Magistrate Maxwell Mainsa, the girl testified that on the fateful day, she was walking from school on her way to Zambia compound home when she decided to take her shirt to the tailor for mending. The girl recalled that the tailor told her that he could not mend her shirt because there was no electricity and she headed home.
She testified that on her way home, she met Masumba, who convinced her to accompany him to his home. She said Masumba had sex with her four times on that night and no one rescued her when she screamed for help.
She told the court that the women took her along with Masumba to Ganerton Police Post, where she was checked. In cross-examination by Masumba, the girl maintained that he invited her to his house and had sex with her. Mr Mainsa adjourned the case to June 19, for continued trial. Having won the Africa Cup of nations for the first time in , the Zambia national team brought a lot of happiness to all football-loving Zambians.