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No part of this book may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without permission in writing from the publishers, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast. Reprinted from Beitrdge zur Gesellungs wissenschaft by permission of Gebr. Reprinted from The American Imago, Vol. Reprinted from Man, Vol. XVI, No. Reprinted from Oceania, Vol.
Margaret mead: Work, Leisure, and Creativity. XIX, No. Reprinted from American Anthropologist, Vol. Reprinted from Studying Personality Cross-Culturally, ed. Reprinted from Anthropological Quarterly, Vol. Reprinted from Ethnology, Vol. XXIV, No. XXV, No. Reprinted from Art News, Vol. William h. Reprinted from Expedition, Vol.
Acknowledgments In addition to the authors articles to be who have published in this book, so willingly permitted their I am indebted to many kind and generous people who have encouraged and helped me during its compilation. I am grateful to all of them. Although primitive art had been a subject of study for some time, these landmarks reflect an increasing interest.