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If you are looking for sexually explicit movies to watch on Hulu, then you have come to the right place. Like a lot of the other best streaming services , Hulu is full of great erotic thrillers, hilarious sex comedies, and mind-bending explorations of love, lust, intimacy, and just about everything else between the sheets.
Here are 19 sexually explicit movies you can watch right now with a Hulu subscription. In this coming-of-age sex comedy, Matthew falls madly in love with Danielle Elisha Cuthbert , a seemingly innocent teenager who moves in next door. Nudity, sex scenes, suggestive language, and even more nudity are in no short supply in this romp of a movie about a teenage boy falling head over heels for an adult entertainer. And with a large part of the movie centering on that industry, you can expect to see some wild and explosive moments.
In addition to exploring his past trauma and visiting with the ghosts of his long-deceased parents, the lonely figure also strikes up a rather peculiar bond with a mysterious neighbor played by Paul Mescal. Without giving too much away about the All of Us Strangers ending , please note that this movie will make you laugh, cry, feel nothing, and then increase your heartbeat with its sensual scenes of intimacy, all in under two hours.
Reaching the point of obsession, Kate finds herself experiencing feelings and actions she never thought possible, for better or worse. Stream True Things on Hulu. Following a reanimated Bella Baxter Emma Stone in an Academy Award-winning performance as she learns about life, love, and lust in a maddening and confusing world , this beautifully shot exploration of the good, the bad, and the ugly of humanity is something to behold.