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Embed from Getty Images. But, sometimes life does happen to men. So how is a man to cope? In this world full of bills, inflation and crushed dreams. Of peer pressure, rising expectations and declining morals. In this cold and cruel world that we were shielded from in our youth.
Our fathers would provide, but we would never see the price of their provision. All they would urge us to do is study hard. Ok, urge is a polite term. Threaten is more like it.
Trust me, I know. And so we pursued education expecting jobs. We pursued babies to carry our name thinking we just had to provide physically, but now our progeny are acting out because of lack of emotional provision. We pursued status not realising that this came with societal expectations and nubile girls who laughed at our jokes even thought they were dryer than bones.
Si you buy me credit so that I can call you and hear more of your jokes? And in the midst of these pursuits and their unfulfilling end, there are boys pretending to be men. Thumping their chests and hardening their eyes that not a tear shall wet them. Fear does not show on their face, or leave their pores. Defeat is not admitted. Directions are for the lost. But they hurt, deep down. When their little kid looks at them to save the world and yet they can barely save themselves.