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Denis Twinomugisha; a lecturer at Mark green University in USA has appealed to the Ugandan government to restore Ankole kingdom as it has done in other regions if Banyankore culture and development can thrive.
He dismissed presumption that during the Ankole kingdom many people; especially Abairu were subjected to all forms of torture by Bahima therefore for that fact Ankole Kingdom should never be restored.
He said the cultural institutions play a tremendous role in uniting people in terms of development and culture. Ankole Kingdom is one of the kingdoms which were abolished by Ugandan government in The government refused to return them. However, the following day the government cancelled his enthronement, declaring it null and void.
Barigye, still continued fighting for the restoration of Ankole kingdom until October 14, when he died at Aga Khan Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya. Born in , Barigye was the only monarch in Uganda whose kingdom was not restored after the constitution allowed for the restoration of cultural institutions.