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Thanks for pointing that out. Girls: So what are you guys out doing today? Joey: Oh we're not out! No, no, we're just two heterosexual guys hanging with the son of our other heterosexual friend doing the usual "straight guy" stuff.
Chandler: You done? This is a trope that takes place in a genre filled to the brim with Homoerotic Subtext. So, to compensate for this, every other line of dialogue comments on how some character is straight and their relationship with someone else is platonic. Every other cast member also comments on how this person is in fact in a totally normal-type relationship.
This isn't just a story that turns someone straight or just takes a hardline on Ship Tease Naturally, because of Suspiciously Specific Denial , many people will interpret this as a case of Transparent Closet whether the character is gay or not. As with similar tropes, like Most Definitely Not a Villain and Hugh Mann , many writers play this trope straight on purpose.
This trope sometimes accompanies various Gender-Blending Tropes e. If a character achieves this through acting gay, that is Gay Bravado. Contrast Armoured Closet Gay when the person is both gay and homophobic. For a character constantly reminding everyone they are gay but getting into a lot of heterosexual situations or no situations at all , see Have I Mentioned I Am Gay?