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With our gear loaded, we pushed off, stepped aboard, and set the two rectangular spritsails. Glittering ripples soon surrounded our downwind course, gurgling as the bow passed through them. Of the more than 6, islands, only about 60 are inhabited. The rig of the tosmakke offers exceptional versatility in a wide range of wind strengths.
In lighter winds the topsail and jib can be set, but as the wind increases these can be taken down and then the main and foresail can be reefed in turn to balance the sail area. I had built the boat from plans for a Tosmakke , a traditional Danish working boat. To is two in Danish—for the two sails—and smakke is the sound a spritsail makes in a jibe. These boats were traditionally built for hunting porpoises in summertime and dragging nets for fishing eel in wintertime.
We soon left the marked waterway to set off between islands 2 miles all nautical in this story away to follow another of the many marked waterways through channels as wide as yards, as narrow as 50 yards. We had sailed about 9 miles by 6 p.
We eased the boat alongside a granite ledge that loomed above a fathom of sapphire-blue water. Hungry and tired, we offloaded our cooking gear and stepped ashore. Soon, we were lying down and stretching, luxuriating and unwinding our limbs after the long day of sitting in our small boat.