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By submitting my information, I agree to receive personalized updates and marketing messages about Missy Elliot based on my information, interests, activities, website visits and device data and in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
I understand that I can opt-out at any time by emailing privacypolicy wmg. In addition, if I have checked the box above, I agree to receive such updates and messages about similar artists, products and offers. I understand that I can opt-out from messages at any time by emailing privacypolicy wmg. Missy Elliott is a living icon. For thirty years, she's been directing the global soundscape, visually reinventing herself and redefining pop music.
Missy's career is multifaceted, as she's charted new creative territory through songwriting, rapping, singing, and producing, with style and grace. No matter the time, her music and videos are always relevant, making her an cross-generational rap star with enough talent to keep her legacy alive for eons. Along with costume designer June Ambrose, and her oft-replicated inflatable patent leather and vinyl suit and archival Alain Mikli shades, they shared long glimpses into the future.
At this point, the world was deathly afraid of the s. People wondered how technology would morph, how the government would handle swift changes, and what a new, punk Earth would look and feel like. Little did they know, all they had to do was look at Missy Elliott's videography to find answers. Another one of Elliott's first videos as a solo artist was "Beep Me ", a dollhouse-inspired take on love in the then-impending digital age.