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By Jocelyn Crespo, RN. While beginning an IVF journey is very exciting, managing all of the appointments, injections and medications can feel overwhelming. It's only natural to want to do everything just right in the hopes of giving yourself the best shot at IVF success. Beyond making sure your IVF cycle goes as smoothly as possible, you probably have some lifestyle questions. Okay, maybe a lot of lifestyle questions! If you're wondering about whether your favorite exercise class is safe during IVF, what you can eat and drink, or if you can have sex, trust me when I say that you're not alone on your quest for answers.
My goal? To make it all as simple as possible so you can focus on powering through treatment like the warrior you are! It is completely safe to have sex during ovarian stimulation. However, there may come a time during your IVF cycle that it simply becomes uncomfortable to have sex. This discomfort is mainly due to your ovaries expanding.
If that is the case, refrain from intercourse. Your hormones are also constantly fluctuating during IVF treatment, which may mean you're just not "in the mood" to have sex.
Bottom line? Listen to your body. If you feel okay physically and mentally and your doctor hasn't instructed you otherwise , go for it!