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By Aimee Brannen For Mailonline. A mum's Instagram account was suspended after she proudly uploaded a photo of her daughter's homemade cake only for it to be blocked by the site's censorship filter for looking like 'a breast'.
Sue Moseley, from Hackney, east London, posted the image of daughter Jenny's simnel cake - a symbolic dish which is decorated with marzipan balls to represent Jesus and the disciples - on Easter Monday. But when she went to log back into the social media site at the weekend she realised she had been barred for sharing 'explicit' content.
Scroll down for video. Does this look like a boob to you? Instagram said this baking creation - a traditional dish representing Jesus and his disciples - breached guidelines. Her mum immediately appealed the decision thinking the site had made a simple mistake, but it was dismissed. Sue Moseley with another one of daughter Jenny's baking creations, this time on her birthday. The mum-of-five immediately appealed the decision thinking the site had made a mistake, but she soon received a reply dismissing her appeal, saying she had breached 'Instagram Community Guidelines' and her account would not be reactivated.
One of her triplet daughters, Fiona Moseley, 26, took to Twitter to voice her outrage over the decision - and is on a campaign to get her mother's profile reinstated.