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An alternative ontological model capitalizing on these elements can be found in Object-Oriented Ontology OOO and its notion of withdrawal. For almost three decades now, the Continental philosopher and socio-political theoretician Rosi Braidotti has been one of the most lucid and stimulating voices in postmodern feminism.
In the wake of figures such as Gilles Deleuze or Luce Irigaray, the s witnessed the flowering of her philosophical agenda, an adventurous roadmap propelled by various interconnected monographs ranging from accurate accounts of ethics and emancipation to pioneering elaborations on subjectivity. By including the convergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Sixth Extinction in these analyses, Braidotti scrutinizes the notion of the Anthropocene in light of what constitutes the basic research question of this essay: What forms of subjectivity are fuelled by a post-anthropocentric approach?
How do we conceive the elements of creativity, imagination, subversion, desire and aspirations of the self, and its relation to others and to the world, in light of our entanglement with human and non-human beings? In brief: How do we engage with human subjectivity in the age of the Anthropocene? By way of conclusion, Section 5 briefly signals the relevance that this form of subjectivity might have regarding the architectural notion of home within the Anthropocene.
Thus, within a context amalgamating beings conventionally indexed to different worlds, the anthropos is no longer the delirium of a species who believes itself alien to its own environment; it has become an ingredient in it. Braidotti accounts for these transformations through her notion of posthumanism.