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Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Preview improvements coming to the PMC website in October Learn More or Try it out now. Extensive literature suggests that religiosity is a protective factor in reducing a number of deviant behaviors, including sexual aggression. Whereas previous research focused on the role of risky alcohol consumption in mediating the relationship between religiosity and sexual aggression, this study explores the hypothesized meditational paths from religiosity to sexual aggression and technology-based coercive behavior through peer norms, pornography consumption, and promiscuity.
Findings from a four-year longitudinal study of male college students suggest that peer norms and promiscuity mediate the relationship between religiosity and both outcome measures, while pornography consumption mediates the relationship between religiosity and technology-based coercive behavior. These findings may inform ongoing practice and future research into possible mechanisms by which problematic sexual behaviors may be influenced.
Sexual aggression is a persistent issue of serious concern across the United States Banyard et al. Although sexual aggression is a concern for young adults regardless of their college enrollment status, recent national attention has focused on sexual violence on college campuses White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault The federally-funded Campus Climate Survey Krebs et al.
As such, sexual aggression on college campuses continues to warrant deep concern. Similarly, in an era of unprecedented technological advancements, the role of technology-based coercive behavior also warrants further research in relation to sexual aggression on campuses.