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Metrics details. This international, multicentre phase IV validation study evaluated the psychometric properties of the new module. This international, multicentre phase IV validation study enrolled testicular cancer patients from seven European countries. Psychometric evaluation included examination of the hypothesized module scale structure, internal consistency and test-retest reliability, known-groups validity, responsiveness to change over time and cross-cultural acceptability.
Data from patients mean age All items exhibited a high completion rate with less than 2. Test-retest reliability was good for 8 of 12 scales intraclass correlation: R t1 t2 ranged from 0. The module was able to distinguish clearly between patients with differing clinical status.
Responsiveness to change over time was acceptable. Peer Review reports. Treatment option encompass orchiectomy, retroperitoneal lymph node dissection with nerve sparing [ 6 ], chemotherapy with carboplatin in early stage [ 7 ] and Bleomycin, Etoposide and Cisplatin for advanced disease [ 8 ], as well as active surveillance [ 5 ].
Treatment strategies, although contributing to low mortality, are associated with various acute and long-term side effects [ 9 ]. These include gastrointestinal symptoms, peripheral neuropathy, Raynaud-like symptoms, hearing loss, tinnitus, heightened levels of fatigue, anxiety, cancer-related distress, sexual dysfunction, changes in body image and psychosocial problems [ 9 , 10 , 11 ].