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Living digitally is essential for many young people in Europe, whereas particularly older adults are overrepresented among non-users of the internet. In Austria, particularly considerably fewer older women than men use the internet Statistik Austria ; ; When, where, how, and why do ICTs matter?
How does this connect to a lifetime of experiences with media technologies? To paint a multidimensional portrait of media use, this doctoral research examined how 12 Austrian women, aged , use ICTs in their everyday lives combining findings from life graph discussions, guided interviews, and walking interviews in small domestic spaces with supplementary statistical data from wave 1 of the ACT Cross-National Longitudinal Study: Older Audiences in the Digital Media Environment.
Although older women are a diverse group, the study identified multiple patterns of their evaluation and use of ICTs, most notably, how their engagement with new ICTs is informed by a double logic of care. Either they use new ICTs to care for others particularly their families , or, on the contrary, they are too busy caring for others to engage with ICTs.
Rather, as this research indicates, older women are affected by the ascription of narrow social roles that limit the scope of their agency Maierhofer 40, , The jury highlighted the unquestionable sociological impact of the thesis for its sound analysis of the intersection between technological development and the population aging process.