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To browse Academia. Kahini Palit. Attractiveness is considered an essential quality for women. From childhood on, girls are socialized in environments in which the highest compliments about them centre on their bodies-compliments like sweet, beautiful, gorgeous. Thus socialized from childhood, girls step into the arena of youth where it is literally impossible to escape cultural messages that reinforce the idea that beauty is a central feature of their identity and worth.
The study is done to realize the impact of the essential beauty ideal imposed on young women, and how it works to shape their lifestyle and images of self worth. The dynamic theory of social impact asserts the tendency for people to be more influenced by nearby rather than far away people, and construct local patterns of consensus that can be interpreted as subcultures. However, in the modern world various sources of media have taken the lead in disseminating uniform sets of beliefs and attitudes which have dovetailed in to these subcultures.
Among various types of media images disseminated through television, advertisements are the most consistent. A sample of advertisements was chosen from the prime time broadcast of three television channels during August, A feminist analysis of the content and ideology of advertisements reveals that most advertisement builds on extremely sexist ideologies of female beauty that could profoundly affect the way women are treated in real life.
Most advertisements objectify women, applaud a rigidly defined concept of female beauty and exhort women to pursue impossible beauty standards. Not only men would be encouraged to primarily judge women by their physical attributes and sexual appeal, but the women themselves would internalize the self-degrading, harmful belief that flawless white skin is the only acceptable appearance.