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To browse Academia. Smith ed. Anne Rapp Py-Daniel. Leila Papoli-Yazdi , Omran Garazhian , maryam dezhamkhooy. Matthew Carter. Sofia Avgerinou Kolonias. Jorge Eremites de Oliveira. Pedro Ignacio Schmitz. Martin Carver. Anna Karligkioti. As stated by Kristian Kristiansen in , this revolution embraces new developments in archaeological sciences genetic and stable isotopes analysis and new methodological trends in relation to statistical quantification and modelling.
Past mobility studies have been among the domains of archaeological scientific enquiry that have benefitted the most from relevant advances in ancient DNA, isotopes and agent-based modelling approaches.
These scientific advances accompany a theoretical acknowledgement of the complexity of past human movement; an acknowledgement that reflects the culmination of decades of archaeological thought around the subject of human mobility.
This trend was followed by an appreciation that empirical results coming from the natural sciences would be employed as self-evident proof for the interpretation of social phenomena, such as human mobility, drawing upon positivist approaches, which were subsequently criticized as oversimplifying complex social dynamics.