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Masters thesis, Concordia University. This autoethnography explores teacher stress and burnout through six social fiction short stories and accompanying photographs. My personal accounts of teaching art inform the discussion around why so many teachers are experiencing burnout and why art teachers struggle to maintain an artistic practice while teaching.
To understand more precisely the issues that teachers are facing, I have identified four prevalent challenges for art teachers. These issues are insufficient teacher preparation, lack of teacher support, excessive workload, and breakdown of identity. Repository Staff Only: item control page. Spectrum Research Repository. Spectrum Library Concordia Advanced Search. References: Abbott, H. The Cambridge introduction to narrative. Cambridge University Press. Alberta Education. The new work of teaching: A case study of the worklife of Calgary public teachers.
The impact of adult support staff on pupils and mainstream schools: A systematic review of evidence. Allison, A. No art teacher left behind: Professional development that really matters in an age of accountability. Arts Education Policy Review, 4 , — The identity crisis of the art educator: Artist? Art Education, 34 4 , 45— Sensory-processing sensitivity, dispositional mindfulness and negative psychological symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences, 53 3 , — Self-efficacy in changing societies.
Arts based research. Barthes, R. Camera lucida: Reflections on photogrpahy. Blair, L. Threshold concepts in art education: Negotiating the ambiguity in pre-service teacher identity formation. International Journal of Education Through Art, 11 1 , 91— The effect of support staff on pupil engagement and individual attention.