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View a full description of this newspaper. The following text was automatically extracted from the image on this page using optical character recognition software:. Very eye-catching and original.
The response to the posters has been great. People are talking about the covered dish, bingo and live entertainment by the Mariachi Del Lago group. We are looking forward to the largest Winter Texan atten- dance and the most enjoyable even- ing yet. Civic organizations, churches, clubs and, of course, area mer- chants are invited to donate prizes for the Winter Texan night.
If you or your organization would like to donate a prize, call the Mathis News or the Chamber office The Cinco de Mayo committee is making a lot of progress. Things are starting to come together. The ex- citement is growing. We can doit. We have received our Voter Registration cards. If you have not registered to vote in the elec- tions, you have until Feb. Come by the Chamber office or the High School office and pick up a voter registration card.
No postage is necessary to return them. Your vote counts. When you meet someone on the street, smile and speak. It may be the only smile they receive all day. He was the recipient of several Proficiency Awards and was the Lone Star Farmer recipient for He was a member of the Mathis 4-H Chapter for nine years as presi- dent, vice president and treasurer. An estimated entries in the Homemaking Division will be open for viewing Jan.