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Select "Full text" to search only the scanned or transcribed text for items. Not all items have full text. The school year brings an end to an era here at Jones County High School. With a combined 54 years of service, Mr. John Trimnell and Mrs. Judy Morgan both decided to kick up their heels and relax a bit. The JCHS school community will certainly feel the loss of these two dedicated educators. It was not unusual to see his truck parked at the school from am until pm. Anyone riding by on weekends or during the summer was as likely as not to see him on the tractor or unloading snacks from his latest trip too Sams.
Then there were the morning announcements. The student body was all ears waiting to hear the wrastlin results from yesterdee and the reminder to come sign up for a half day of Saturday School. Trimnell was truly a leader from the word go.
He knew the names of all students and staff at JCHS. Though there were disgruntled students over the years,. She has helped students get through their senior research paper, pass the graduation test and learn to communicate throughout their lives. In addition. Her sense of humor and her caring spirit made for many a successful program and brought in much needed toys and money for the children of Jones County. She led the English department through the implemetation of the new Georgia Performance Standards with great success.
The JCHS student body will certainly miss her presence. Trimnell and Mrs. Morgan, thank you both for all your years of service to Jones County and her students. The impact you have had on the lives of the many you have touched is without bound. We are all proud that we had you amongst us and wish you the best as you retire.