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Potts Homphobobictauntsplayedasignificant role in the suicide of a year-old boy, a Potts Homphobobictauntsplayedasignificant role in the suicide of a year-old boy, a coronialinquesthasfound.
Two days earlier, months of harassment by other students culminated in Wildman being struck in the head while two other boysheldhishairandagroupofstudents lookedon. Just months earlier students had left homophobic messages on MySpace, callinghimgayandafaggot. Alex was also bullied at Sydney high schools before moving to the north coast inabidtoescapethehomophobictaunts, theinquestheard.
Handing down his finding last week, Deputy State Coroner Malcolm MacPherson recommended the NSW Education Department ensure high schools with more than students employ full-time counsellors and have dedicated email, phone, text or chat roomoptionstoreportbullying. Healsorecommendedtheintroduction of legislation similar to South Australia giving schools jurisdiction over cyberbullying and incidents between students outsideschoolhours. Babbydaddy gives us the lowdown on everything from the inspiration of Robert Mapplethorpe to working with musical genius Stuart Price.
Full story: page 14 Hit the slopes page 34 Convicts win one, lose one The Sydney Convicts missed out on picking up their third Bingham Cup at the weekend, but the number two side tookouttheBinghamBowl. The number one side, aiming for its thirdstraightCupwin,lostthegrandfinal to the New York Gotham Knights, , inacloseencounterinMinneapolis. Earlier in the day the number two side defeated the Washington Renegades ,tobringhometheBowl.