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Look, up in the sky! And what happened to my other eight senses? A character who has some kind of highly developed or superhuman ability loses it for an episode, and has to experience life as an average Joe. Often, the character actually enjoys the experience of being "normal". Otherwise, they will hate it and understand how hard it is to have no superpowers to help you, becoming Useless Without Powers.
May result from being a Broken Angel. By the end of the episode they get their skill back , usually just in time to save the day with it. After all, it may be interesting to see the hero without powers for a little time, but the people are Just Here for Godzilla , and want to see the hero in full action. A possible solution occurs when the hero has Got the Call on Speed Dial. Super-Trope of De-power , which is when this happens to a character permanently or for an extended period of time.
The polar opposite of "Flowers for Algernon" Syndrome. When an already badass character with no superpowers gains them, that's Empowered Badass Normal.
Compare Fight Off the Kryptonite. If the character can still kick major butt, they've been Brought Down to Badass instead. For when an immortal character is brought down to mortality, you'll want Mortality Ensues. When a supernatural being becomes normal by becoming a human being, see Humanity Ensues. If destroying or reversing some sort of device or spell renders you normal, then it's No Ontological Inertia. Advertising " Victory by Computer ": Lex Luthor's gang use a red solar radiance machine to nullify Supergirl 's powers and imprison her in their lair.