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Australian Skydiver Magazine issue Less. Thanks for the great name Bretto. Actually two, disappoint — go to page 8 for Skydiving Janine Hayes look closely! No part of this publication may The parameters of the Australian Parachute [ Next Deadlines ] Susie McLachlan be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or Federation lie in sport parachuting operations transmitted in any form: electronic, mechanical, from aircraft and while the APF is aware that PO Box , Moffat Beach QLD photocopying, recording, without permission of parachuting descents are being made from other Issue Ph: E: susie skydiver.
Ph: specifications and artwork The Editor retains the right to withdraw any advertisement, article, photo or other at her Pursuant to my contract with the APF in relation to Issue igraphix bigpond. The information in this magazine was, to the best a particular brand of parachuting equipment, Mag Out 25th Feb, service or event being promoted in ASM. I am a of our ability, correct at the time of going to press. Director of Toogoolawah Drop Zone Pty Ltd and I Production and mailing takes a total of five weeks, so some information may be out of date or am a part-time employee of Ramblers Parachute Centre which organises various events and is a Issue superseded.
Photos submitted will be returned if supplied with dealer for various equipment, some of which Deadline 25th Apr, companies advertise in the ASM from time to a self-addressed stamped envelope. Mag Out 25th May, 3. AU Email: info downwardtrend. For Skydive Oz, at Moruya, the Facebook announcement explained. Most other States and Boogie. There were nerves and excitement for others too. Fun jumpers became willing test was awesome.
They were even Milly Spinoza had been out for about seven months due to forking out for pre-paid jumps, just to secure one of the few focussing on flying and also some weather days. All States resumed except Victoria, which remains stuck Bree Campbell is a brand-new skydiver who had to delay in its own groundhog day. She was booked in to start her AFF at Jurien given a tough lesson about freedom.