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To browse Academia. Catharine Lorber. Bernhard Lang. Christianity recognizes two paradises: the paradise of Adam and Eve as the "paradise in the beginning," on the morning of creation, and the paradise of the blessed as the "paradise in the afterlife.
Drawing on two ancient sources - the novel "Daphnis and Chloe" and Virgil's "Aeneid" - the paradises become more vivid for us. While paradise first entered the Christian consciousness as the place of the fall of man and thus as a primordial catastrophe in human history, paradise in the afterlife is seen as a place of longing, especially as a place where friends separated by death are reunited.
When theologians point to the primacy of heaven over paradise and insist on seeing and praising God as the essential content of eternal life, they are contradicted. Like Augustine, Dante, and Hieronymus Bosch, Aegidius Romanus and Emanuel Swedenborg professed the independence of paradise from heaven, which, as the dwelling place of God, transcends paradise but cannot deny its independence.
In: September , Ampfing. Philip Mirowski. Roger Chang. Fabio Milioni. Ancora una pillola di Sapienza di questo grande e Santo Maestro. Una guida luminosa per ogni sincero ricercatore dell'essenza del Sanatana Dharma. Se dobbiamo essere consapevoli di quella eterna relazione, noi dobbiamo essere molto, molto all'erta, vigilanti e attenti che le innumerevoli relazioni che abbiamo con le cose esterne, esseri, situazioni, ed esperienze non diventino fattori fuorvianti che ci trascinino via da questa consapevolezza interiore verso altre cose.