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By Lettice Bromovsky. Jonathan Hawker, the former maths and computing teacher, was said to be targeted by pupils who wanted to end his career by alleging he had assaulted them by touching their thighs and massaging their shoulders.
Mr Hawker, who had been at Devonport High School for Girls in Plymouth for five years, was suspended, arrested and then fired for 'gross misconduct' — despite reports that the girls had admitted they lied about everything 'because it was fun'. Jonathan Hawker was fired from Devonport High School for Girls in Plymouth over sex assault claims that pupils later said they made up 'for fun'. Employment Judge Martha Street slammed the school's investigation into the girls' allegations, saying: 'A fair investigation would at the least have included a transcript of the interviews with them.
The school accepted the evidence of the younger pupils without challenge or exploration and discounted, ignored or avoided finding contrary evidence. In June , a student wrote a statement to her tutor that another girl — identified only as Student H — had said Mr Hawker had touched her leg, the hearing was told. Ruth Morgan, the head of safeguarding, spoke to Student H, who said that during a lesson Mr Hawker had knelt down next to her and put his hand on her thigh, the tribunal heard.
In further discussions with other pupils, Mrs Morgan heard of a 'similar incident' described by students, as well as false rumours Mr Hawker had previously been suspended for 'touching a Year 9 student' and had an affair with a sixth former.