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Zambreno —whose previous books include To Write as If Already Dead , Screen Tests , Drifts , and Heroines , all strange and mesmerizing and very good—chronicles her life as the mother of two young daughters amid the pandemic in her latest. Annie Ernaux counts herself as a big Zambreno stan—need I say more?
Edited by Pulitzer-winning poet Jericho Brown, this anthology features literary titans and personal faves Nikki Giovanni , Natasha Trethewey , Rita Dove , and Jamaica Kincaid , among many, many others, to offer a curated, comprehensive look at what it means to be a Black writer today and how Blackness can inform the craft and practice of writing.
In the Act by Rachel Ingalls [F]. In this witty, darkly comedic story, a housewife named Helen uncovers a secret her husband keeps locked in the attic.