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Radio Streams. SA Radio. VCY America. Try SermonAudio 2. My Favorite Things. Our purpose is to declare to all people everywhere the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, encouraging them to turn from sin and turn to God He is married to Lydia Achok and together by the special grace and help of God they raise 8 children. James E. Pastor Jim and his wife Nancy have been serving Christ Jay E. After coming to faith in Christ in his early 30's, Tim felt called to the ministry and led two small congregations in rural Charles D.
Alexander of Liverpool, England made several evangelistic visits to the United States in the s and s. He is one of the most Christ honoring preachers that you will ever listen to.
Alexander wrote extensively and never asked for money although his ministry was supported by Alexander was born in Glasgow, Scotland, where he was educated at the University of Glasgow, obtaining degrees in Theology, Philosophy, and History. He served for fifteen years as minister of a rural Church of Scotland parish in Ayrshire, and for twenty years as Senior Minister of St. Andrew R. Allan, a former Ross-shire professional photographer was converted in September He was converted to Jesus Christ as Savior when he was 7 years old and was called into the gospel ministry when he was 17 years old.
He has been preaching and pastoring since He received a Bachelor of Theology Travis became the teaching pastor at Grace Church in November , equipping saints for the work of ministry Eph.