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Together with passive transit via public and private transport, this has resulted in a widespread global distribution of Ae. It is now listed as one of the top invasive species by the Invasive Species Specialist Group [2].
The success of the invasion of Ae. Climate change predictions suggest Ae. This mosquito is already showing signs of adaptation to colder climates [1,6] which may result in disease transmission in new areas. Aedes albopictus feeds on a wide range of hosts. It is also known to be a significant biting nuisance, with the potential to become a serious health threat as a bridge vector of zoonotic pathogens to humans [7].
This mosquito species is a known vector of chikungunya virus, dengue virus and dirofilariasis. A number of other viruses affecting human health have also been isolated from field-collected Ae. Moreover, its recent involvement in the localised transmission of chikungunya virus in Italy [8] and France [9,10] and dengue virus in France [] and Croatia [14] highlights the importance of monitoring this invasive species.
The current known distribution of Ae. Having originated in tropical forests of South-East Asia, Ae. This geographical spread has mostly occurred during the past three decades [1] via passive transport of eggs in used tyres or lucky bamboo, the latter being the route of importation into Belgium, the Netherlands and California [16,43,44].