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To browse Academia. Skip to main content. Log In Sign Up. Location Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria. Add Social Profiles Facebook, Twitter, etc. Unfollow Follow Unblock. Other Affiliations:. Mobilities in contemporary worlds of work and organizing more. Exerting an influence upon different social spheres, these demands have transformed the traditional relations of the realms of government and economy, the public and private, and work and life Cohen et al.
In particular, present-day governmental programmes refer to and evoke discourses around free and unconstrained movements, forms of work and careers Baerenholdt, These discourses promote the mobilisation and activation of working subjects and their human capital Chertkovskaya et al.
Publication Date: Sociology and Mobilities. Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag problematisiert das »new profiling«. Auf der Basis scheinbar rationaler und neutraler Berechnungen verwandeln diese »Vorhersageprodukte« S. This positioning involves an understanding of transparency as a practice that is historically contingent and multiple, and thus negotiable and contested.
Organization and Philosophy and Religious Studies. Personalauswahl — Was wird denn da gespielt? From Universalizing Transparency to the Interplay of Transparency Matrices: Critical insights from the emerging social credit system in China more. Building on research on organizational transparency and surveillance, mediated visibility and Foucauldian dispositional analytics, we develop the concept of transparency matrices for studying the interplay of mediating technologies and Building on research on organizational transparency and surveillance, mediated visibility and Foucauldian dispositional analytics, we develop the concept of transparency matrices for studying the interplay of mediating technologies and normative arrangements in the formation of transparency as a heterogeneous regime of visibility.