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To browse Academia. Although marketed for adults, this sentimental and obviously moral tale is written so simplistically that its primary audience should be youth or the immature , who perhaps are unaware of the facts of WWII, as well as the marvels and mysteries of science and poetry.
In the blind French girl, Marie-Laure, a world dependent upon the senses of hearing and touch is explored and extolled, while for the young German, Werner, the worlds of electronics and thought have prominence.
The rest of the novel follows suit, with folksy, likeable French villagers except for the smelly perfumer who collaborates ; despicable, sadistic German officers; and the improbable way that the radio-waves-crossed, almost lovers finally meet. Leo Waldi.
Human is the most complex creature in the world compare to others, it has moral and nobel values which are never found in another creatures, according to Oxford Dictionary " human is pertaining to, characteristic of, or having the nature of people ". Therefore human is expected to be the leader of the world.