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The most populated cities in Minnesota are Minneapolis with ,, St. Paul at ,, Rochester with ,, Duluth at 87,, and Bloomington with 87, You can get the most current Census population data for all Minnesota cities, sorted from the most populous cities in Minnesota to the least, according to the Population Estimates Program and American Community Survey. Sure, you can copy this list right into your favorite spreadsheet tool.
It's time to stop searching and start digging into data! The table above displays the most recent population estimates data for all cities where data are available from the following datasets:. Join thousands of subscribers and receive just 2 TWO! Download the newest population data for Minnesota cities. Trusted by 12, businesses. I agree to be emailed. Connect Contact Us Email me data tips! The table above displays the most recent population estimates data for all cities where data are available from the following datasets: United States Census Bureau.
Census Bureau, Population Division. May United States Census Bureau.