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There are many that would read my articles or hear me on the radio and assume I was raised by wolves or worse……jungless. But is that true? Now, do not confuse me……we have amazing churches and amazing Christians on this island.
I hold nothing back and there is no sarcasm in my words when saying this. Churches are like politicians: The minority take the bad rap for the majority when really there are some roses in the bunch. I saw that and thought that was normal.
How do you even explain to women your logic behind that archaic and asinine rule? Imagine being so warped and so conditioned that you saw a church where they take you as you are: gay, straight, tattooed, pierced, poor, rich, vegan, burdened, hurt etc and they…. They did it all in….. Imagine that. An island saturated with churches and only one actually did what Jesus said to do.
Oh, and make no mistake, I was right there with you. I thought they were out of their minds. Not the way I was raised. While I spend my Saturday nights drinking alone and eating my weight into high cholesterol, Jesus was out there with prostitutes and gamblers trying to talk them into a better life. VERY few, if any, of our pastors or congregation do that….. It was degrees the other weekend and niggas was out on the road with umbrellas, no-grip shoes and Jehovah.