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Many religions teach conservative values about sex, instructing congregations and worshippers to abstain from pre-marital intercourse. The argument makes sense for those who believe that sexual acts should be constrained to a hopefully happy marriage, ensuring that children are born into a stable family unit. However, statistics show that over the past 40 years the birth rate to single mothers has skyrocketed.
Religious leader Bishop Simeon Hall thinks the data is evidence that the church needs to have a frank discussion about the realities of sex. The bishop thinks the church must continue to preach the benefits of morals and abstinence while not glossing over reality.
It is contradictory that almost 70 percent of our children are born out of wedlock and we have 4, churches," Hall said. Data collected by the Department of Statistics on The Bahamas' birth rate shows that births to unwed mothers have nearly doubled since and continue to account for "the largest annual natural increase to the Bahamian population".
The report, released last year, noted that births to unwed mothers in The Bahamas rose from 29 percent in to a high of 62 percent in The data is part of the Department of Statistics' births reports, based on information collected from to The rise in single mothers is something Hall is worried about not just because it shows the contrast in the church's and secular world's views on sex, but due to its effect on the family unit.