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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Guest speaker, Capt. Maxie Davis, U. Night, Aug. Whitley U. The event was held a few days before the official observance, Aug.
Congress in to honor the passage of the 19th amendment to the U. Marine Corps, retired Rear Adm. Michelle Howard, the first African-American woman to command a U. Navy Ship. Along with an overview of historically significant women, guest speaker, Capt.
Naval Forces Central Command communications and information systems department head, shared personal experiences from her extensive military career. Whitley Guest speaker, Capt. We are at our best and accomplish the most when we draw upon the collective talents of all our people, whether they are male or female. Initially, women were assigned to selected noncombatant ships, but their opportunities were broadened in , to include service on surface combatant ships.
In , the Navy announced a policy change that allows women to serve on submarines. Today, there are more than 54, active-duty women and approximately 20, female Reservists serving in the Navy. The event recognizes the career milestone reached by a special group of Sailors as they ascend to the rank of Chief Petty Officer. Attendees took away a range of items including laptops, speaker systems, imported wines, a television and fine crystal. It truly enforces the commitment the Navy has to the Sailor and provides the incentive to work hard, lead well and make Chief Petty Officer.