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October was the tenth month of that common year. The month, which began on a Tuesday , ended on a Thursday after 31 days. This is an archived version of Wikipedia's Current events Portal from October Portal Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. Download as PDF Printable version. Portal:Current events [ edit ].
October 1, Tuesday. Armed conflicts and attacks. October 2, Wednesday. October 3, Thursday. October 4, Friday. October 5, Saturday. Armed conflict and attacks. October 6, Sunday. October 7, Monday. October 8, Tuesday. Arts and culture. October 9, Wednesday. October 10, Thursday. October 11, Friday. October 12, Saturday. Disasters and accidents. October 13, Sunday. October 14, Monday. October 15, Tuesday. October 16, Wednesday. October 17, Thursday.
October 18, Friday. Business and economy. October 19, Saturday. October 20, Sunday. October 21, Monday. October 22, Tuesday. October 23, Wednesday. October 24, Thursday. October 25, Friday. October 26, Saturday. October 27, Sunday. October 28, Monday.
October 29, Tuesday. October 30, Wednesday. October 31, Thursday. Economic [ edit ]. Environmental [ edit ]. Political [ edit ]. October [ edit ].