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Muhammad Mahmood. Share this news. I acknowledge that I have borrowed the first half of the title of this article from the Daily Telegraph online of India. It is not surprising that that Sheikh Hasina landed in India. During her year rule, India has enjoyed very close ties with her authoritarian regime. In fact, she was greatly emboldened by India to consolidate her repressive regime to achieve its objectives in Bangladesh.
After Indian lobbying, Washington toned down its criticism of Hasina. Yet, with all the Indian machinations to keep her in power, she fled the country much in the same style of other deposed dictators before her. Bangladesh is entering a period of political uncertainty, with a high risk of both violence and economic instability. Hasina has left behind a terrible economic mess for the interim government to deal with. Bangladesh has achieved an annual average growth rate of about 6 per cent over last two decades or so.
The quality of statistical information provided by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics BBS has always been of questionable quality, especially relating to GDP and human development indices.
The IMF assured its continuing support to achieve this aspiration of Hasina. However, such an approach along with mega corruptions mostly through graft, overblown project costs and other corrupt means only succeeded in shifting income upward creating a new social class of billionaires where Hasina and her immediate and extended family members also belong. This relatively high growth was largely achieved through mostly infrastructure investments comprising a very selected set of mega projects.