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To browse Academia. Extramarital affairs have become a common occurrence in modern society. Many studies have pointed to the lack of variety in a relationship as a contributing factor related to divorce and extramarital affairs. This study wants to explore the reasons behind developing the extramarital affair in married adults. The study is based upon the information gathered through scanning newspapers, journals, books, and browsing the Internet and all related papers which were published from to However, there is a limited data on the specific topic.
After reviewing literatures, we found some common factors that might be responsible for extramarital affairs. Based on that we have made some recommendations for lowering this devastating situation. From this study, we expect that the stakeholders and policy makers can develop some new thoughts and strategies to let down this overwhelming condition. Ruma Kundu , kul chettri. Collecting data for individuals from rural and urban regions, this study examines the possible determinants of number of extramarital affairs EMANO in a hill state Sikkim in India.
Using Poisson, Zero Inflated Poisson ZIP and instrumental variable Poisson IV Poisson model, this study found that income; financial satisfaction and marital satisfaction has positive and significant effect on number of extramarital affairs. This study also found that the relationship between the number of years married and EMANO are nonlinear and the tendency of having extramarital affairs reduces once the married life reached years on average. Level of significance and importance of the variables on EMANO differs between male and female population.
Mahir Faysal. Today the world is experiencing such generation where the concept of marriage is not a big factor. But sometimes because of some circumstances familial life become just a hell. Here comes divorce! It might sound simple, but it's not easy for a husband and wife to decide to end a marriage. Often they spend a long time trying to solve problems before deciding to divorce. But sometimes they just can't fix the problems and decide that a divorce is the best solution.