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Recent news stories about sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, stalking, violations of dating policies, violations of campus pornography policies, and similar violations in academia are NOT A FLUKE Suggested Twitter hashtag: SHAcademia. Recent reports are easier to find, but notice how these stretch back to the s and into the late s. And these are just the cases we heard about through the media. How many more complaints were quietly hidden by universities? Recent stories about sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, stalking, violations of dating policies, violations of campus pornography policies, and similar violations in academia are NOT A FLUKE!
I decided to organize these by discipline and to include both faculty and administrators. I did, however, include Athletic Directors and people in similar administrative positions. Note that I left off of the list any cases involving accusations alone without investigation, resignation, admission, administrative action, legal activity, etc. Specifically, these are cases involving faculty and administrators engaging in sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, stalking, violations of dating policies, violations of campus pornography policies, and similar violations, and where:.
The year listed below refers to the year in which the sexual harassment occurred, in which it was publicized, there was a university or legal finding of fact, or there was an admission of fact by the accused. I am listing these reports under the date of release to make it clear when these cases came to light. I am sure this is not a complete list and recognize that this list is weighted towards more recent cases. I honestly got sick of reading about the harassment people have had to put up with.
Finally, to avoid accusations of libel, I list only cases that meet the above criteria and for which a news report, court case, or copy of the institutional investigation is available. I modify the list as new information is provided, including the removal of cases that no longer meet the criteria. Pilecki, President, Westfield State College. Gaither, President, Drexel University. Holderman, President, University of South Carolina.