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Skip to main content. Skip to main Skip to footer. University of Waterloo. Year any Accepted Keyword any " cosine similarity " LDA" " topic model" "Recommender system" cosmology: cosmological parameters cosmology: dark energy cosmology: inflation cosmology: large-scale structure of Universe -f Chemical kinetic and photochemical properties Middle atmosphere: composition and chemistry Troposphere: composition and chemistry Instruments and techniques 03C57 03D45 10aj Pq 16 bg 17B65 17B67 nm Process Technology 18D05 18D99 primary 2-band buffering 2-band buffering system umweltrisiken systematisch erfassen kreditausfaelle aufgrund oekologischer risiken - fazit erster empirischer untersuchungen 3T3 Cells 40 hPa height 61 66 81 81R50 83 85A40 92 At Dx Vc Cq Es a stakeholder meeting of the Media Impact Screening Toolkit workgroup will be held to discuss the implications of our findings and to finalise our dissemination strategy.
Authors would like to thank Juliette Givelas and the article processing charge APC was funded by the Dhillon School of Business and the School of Environment and the decision to submit the protocol for publication.
Competing interests None declared. Patient consent for publication Not required. SSM conceptualised the research and drafted and edited the protocol. JS drafted the protocol search strategy and edited the protocol. Download Citations. Condon, F. The Trouble with Bean. Peter Lang Publishing. Download Citation. Praxis , 19 1. CounterStories from the Writing Center. Writers: Craft and Context , 1 1. In Theories and Methods of Writing Center. Writing Center Journal , 36 1 , In Tutoring Second Language Writers.
Williams, J. TESL Canada , 33 2. Fall Survive and Thrive. Stories to Live and Die By. Fountainhead Press. Utah State University Press. Across the Disciplines: Special Issue on Antiracism. Across the Disciplines. Junctures: the Journal for Thematic Dialogue. June Contact HH Log in.