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Use filters to narrow your search and find the best advocate in Nawabganj, Saharanpur , whether its a family dispute or divorce lawyer, property lawyer, employment or labor court lawyer, criminal lawyer, recovery or cheque bounce lawyer, taxation or corporate lawyer, or a lawyer expert in any other field of law.
Family is an institution that has great importance in our society; it is characterized by consanguinity or affinity. It is one of the smallest units of society. Family stands for well being of the members and society. Family is united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption, and everyone each other as spouses, parents, children, and siblings.
There are three types of family: Nuclear family, Single parent family, Joint family, or extended family. The basis of the nuclear family is love and connection between parents and siblings. It is based on mutual respect and love. In comparison with joint families, nuclear families face fewer conflicts. There may usually be small quarrels between a husband and wife or a child and the parents.
A Joint family is also known as an extended family and it consists of a lot of members. It is an extension of a nuclear family and extends when children of one sex do not leave their parents.