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The mikveh, or ritual bath, derived from ancient notions of purity and impurity. While the need for women to purify themselves after menstruation or childbirth was connected to ancient blood taboos, it remained a regular part of Jewish practice for centuries. In modern times, the practice of ritual immersion has been rejected by some as patriarchal and oppressive, but at the same time it has also been reinvented by diverse groups of Jews to be more inclusive and to meet contemporary religious needs and desires.
Interior of the Nidhe Israel Mikveh ca. Photograph by Stevan Arnold. The mikveh is a ritual bath designed for the Jewish rite of purification. The mikveh is not merely a pool of water; it must be composed of stationary, not flowing, waters and must contain a certain percentage of water derived from a natural source, such as a lake, an ocean, or rain.
Ritual purification in a mikveh is used for a wide range of purposes, including conversion and burial ceremonies. Individuals might immerse themselves in the mikveh before weddings or before the holiday of Yom Kippur, and even pots and pans can be immersed to make them kosher.
Traditionally, men and women have used the mikveh for ritual purification, but it has always held special significance for Jewish women. Jewish law prescribes that women immerse themselves in the waters of the mikveh following their menstrual periods or after childbirth in order to become ritually pure and permitted to resume sexual activity.