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Post a Comment. The Story: Martin McDonagh's script for In Bruges says that Ken is watching cartoons in the dingy little room that he and Ray are sharing while things cool down after a wrong-way "hit" back in England.
But before that, the script says "In one continuous take, if possible. He shows the first shot of Orson Welles ' Touch of Evil , a five minutes long shot that starts with a guy planting a bomb in a car in Mexico, and doesn't end until we cut to see the car blowing up across the border.
In the meantime, the shot follows that Pinto-to-be , as well as honeymoon couple Charlton Heston and Janet Leigh as they cross over from Mexico to America in one long, continuous take, the couple walking with the ticking car, which then stops at traffic lights, alternately pulling up to them and leaving them behind—a roller-coaster ride of tension and relief. This scene has that same herkem-jerkem pattern, as Ken tries to assure control-freak mobster Harry a brilliant performance by Ralph Fiennes , despite that he literally "phoned it in" that every little thing is going the precise way Harry wants it.
Harry being volatile and that "He swears a lot, doesn't he? In fact, there's hardly any truth in it at all on Ken's end—Ray isn't there, he's not in the bathroom, he didn't want to find a bowling alley, he HATES fookin' Bruges, and Ray doesn't feel like he's in a dream, he feels like he's in Hell and, in point of fact, Hell would be better than Bruges. But that's not what makes Harry happy, and you want to keep Harry happy, because if you don't—well, he might kill you or something which he might do anyway.