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Rochefort, 73, is on trial at the Montreal courthouse, where he is charged with inciting hatred toward women. He was arrested by Montreal police on Dec. Police found a letter inside his jacket stating he intended to kill feminists. He also said he believed the items he posted were reaching more than 60, followers before his arrest. By signing up you consent to receive the above newsletter from Postmedia Network Inc. A welcome email is on its way. If you don't see it, please check your junk folder.
The next issue of Today's One Read will soon be in your inbox. We encountered an issue signing you up. Please try again. She pointed out that what Rochefort wrote was often accompanied by photos that denigrated women. Some were images of women who were dismembered or decapitated and others were of women wearing little clothing. Other items included the Nazi swastika. At the time, a UQAM professor was part of the preparations in to commemorate the 14 women who died.
Rochefort testified that what he wrote was a reaction to comments made by feminists that he felt were extreme in their views. But Laporte noted he often referred to women and girls in general. He published them about 30 times on four blogs in English and in French.
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