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View a full description of this newspaper. The following text was automatically extracted from the image on this page using optical character recognition software:. He is on the board of the Gi- deons and Mrs. Carson is on the auxiliary board. On Sunday Mr. Carson talked at the morning service at the Baptist Temple and in the evening he was the speaker at Travis Park Metho- dist. Bradfute went to Austin on Wednesday of last week to attend the fun- neral on Thursday of her broth- er, H.
They were ac- companied by Mr. Hotto of Taft. Coker was 69 years old. He died on Tues- day. Gene McFall and Rev. Richard Cardona; coffee, Mr. James Porter; pies, Mr. Edwin Schneider and Mrs. Roy Sugarek; fish pond, Mr. Glen Edge and Mr. Hartwell Dobie; bingo, Mr. Baldesweiler and Mr. Rex Gregory; preparation of booths, Roland and H. Engler; ight- ing, Otto Tiemann; bingo prizes Mrs. Alvis Pietsch, Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Roland En- gler; paper goods and supplies, Mrs.
Darwin Fojtik. Other committees remaining be filled at press time were hay ride, fire truck ride and home- made candy.
Not only will those attending have a good time, they will also play an important part in sup- porting the MHS Band and their planned schedule of activities fo this school year. What better way to spend Hal- loween night than enjoying the carnival with your entire family Yes, there will be ample parking space for those arriving on their own brooms.