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If you choose to update the report, the analysis is done again, from scratch, with the latest version of all annotations. If you do that, your new, re-analyzed results will reflect the most up-to-date knowledge.
We recommend that you update your analysis results for all the data sets that you care about or work on. That will open a window showing you all previous versions of your analysis results. You can access any of them by clicking on the date.
Of course, you are allowed to publish any and all figures from our software. The software is meant to create figures and give you results that can be directly published so you can save time and be more productive. Just mentioning the software in the Methods would not be sufficient since it would not be clear what figures where produced with it. Regarding the figures, you need to download them in. SVG format from iPathwayGuide. Any downloadable figure in our software can be downloaded as SVG.
The SVG is a scalable vector format that can scale to any size and offers perfect resolution. Since we are talking about images, please keep in mind that you can customize most figures. In some, you can even select the colors. In many, you can select which genes to include and in which order. Please contact us if you have any questions about these capabilities or if you want to have a short meeting to show you how to do any such customization. The basics are always the same regarding of the assay.