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I know this image is not spectacular; it isn't special or that memorable or my best, for that matter. But I feel like it's an appropriate way to end my week project. The reason for the pose is mostly because I've realized how much I don't really like taking pictures of my face anymore, and recently, I've felt like I've become slightly anonymous and a bit of a ghost and I'm very very okay with that. This project annoyed the shit out of me and I do not think I will be tackling another one anytime soon.
I started off strong in terms of actually completing images on time for their respective weeks, but then my life started to pick up. I didn't need to hide behind pictures anymore because I feel like there's nothing to hide from. I started off with this project and very unhappy.
I anticipated that this would be a turning point for me, and it was. I dyed my hair for the first time that summer and became known as 'the one with mermaid hair' which I am very content with. Upon going to college in Columbus, Ohio in the fall - I was very pessimistic about it. I anticipated the absolute worst. I did not want to be in Columbus.
I did not want to be in art school. And I most definitely did not want to major in photography. I fell in love with the support I was given, the encouragement I was shown, the beautiful friends who've been more like brothers and sisters to me; I fell in love with all the things I felt lacked where I came from. My grades picked up, as did my mood. I was put in an atmosphere that feels nothing less than perfect for me. I love finally feeling as if I belong somewhere.