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Tiernan, Cdr. Gary, Mrs. Tiernan, Mr. W ill iam R. Be rgin. St uden tsof bo th col leg es in the ba ck gr ou nd. Ju lia G. Van Vl eck, Re ver endW illia mD.
At cer emoni esin S t. Ms gr. Jo hn F. Th e solu tion mean t ad ju stm en ts in the home, the Bish op add ed, and ad ju stmen tsme ant dom esti c pea ce as well as pea ce of consc ience. Alc ala P ar k. James T. Bo oth. Eg an sa id :"I wou ld be th e fi rst to disqu ali fymyse lf fo r so gr ea ta pri vil eg e.
Mot he r S. N ix on, His Excellency Ch arlesF. Bu dd y. The in ter es tyou have shownin com ing he re toda y is indeed a gr ea t tr ib ut eto the wo rk of educat ion. May I ad d, too , that it is a th ri lli ngmome nt fo r us as young Ameri can s to hav e the ho no r to see and spe ak wi th the Vice Pr es iden tof thes e Uni tedSta tes and his grac iou s wife. Ri ch ar dM. N ix on,in th e name of the stu de nt s.